Secure surfing

– Ensure the web page starts with https://, this indicates the site is secure – Do not give out any passwords hackers can use to access your details online – Do not reply to unsolicited e-mails asking for your personal details – Do not give out...

log on

——————————————————————————– To make a computer system or network recognize you so that you can begin a...

IM2 Broadband Prabayar Diluncurkan

  Modem IM2 Prabayar Penyedia jasa layanan internet PT Indosat Mega Media, Indosat M2 meluncurkan produk terbaru IM2 Broadband Prabayar. Inovasi ini memungkinan pengguna menikmati akses internet High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) hingga 3.6 Megabit per...

kill switch

——————————————————————————– (1) A security device used to shut off any other device in an emergency...


——————————————————————————– Slang term frequently used by those actively engaged P2P and unethical file...

Danger lurks on Facebook

Online socialising on Web 2.0 sites has rapidly become the new way to network and make friends, but it is also an easy way to become a victim of malware. Because as more users use Web 2.0 applications like social-networking sites, blogs, wikis and RSS feeds,...