Pasangan Kakek Nenek Pelupa di Restoran

Nenek: “Mau kemana?” Kakek: “Oh aku mau ke dapur sebentar untuk mengambil segelas air” Nenek: “Kalau begitu sekalian tolong bawakan aku es krim vanila” Kakek: “OK ..” Nenek: “Eh tunggu sebentar, apakah tidak...

Radang Usus Buntu

Oleh Pouw Tjoen Tik Salah satu pemeo dalam dunia kedokteran mengatakan: ”lebih baik seribu kali memotong usus buntu yang sehat dari pada sekali saja tidak membedah radang akut usus buntu”. Hal ini bukan dimaksudkan untuk meremehkan operasi usus buntu....

How to Apply for CISA Certificate

After Passing CISA the first task is to apply for CISA. I have tried to explain the procedure in simple steps. • Visit • Now look for these lines For those who took the exam in 2006 or later: Download Application (PDF, 93K) or request an...


The service area was located on a main highway leading to the beach. The station attendant was accustomed to seeing tired and sunburned occupants in the cars that pulled in to gas up. When a rusty old station wagon containing a very tired looking couple and seven...

Jack Kangen Malang

Si jack, asal Indonesia yang lagi sekolah di Jepang datang ke Dokter. beberapa hari ini badannya terasa capek, perut mulas, mata berair dan kepala pusing. Pokoknya rasanya sakit sekali lho… Akhirnya dokter nawarkan terapi untuk ngobati penyakitnya Si jack, kata...


Q: How many blondes does it take to change a lightbulb? A1: “What’s a lightbulb?” A2: One. She holds the bulb and the world revolves around her. A3: Two. One to hold the Diet Pepsi, and one to call, “Daaady!” A4: None. They can’t...